Society of Bioengineers


The purpose of our organization is to recruit students who are interested or majoring in bioengineering. The definition of bioengineering is: “the use of artificial tissues, organs, or organ components to replace damaged or absent parts of the body, such as artificial limbs and heart pacemakers.” Our main goal is to produce a product for entry into various competitive biotech competitions. In doing so we not only foster teamwork within our club members, but we also help students develop design and management skills necessary in the engineering field. We also want to expand our member’s knowledge of the field by bringing in experts to our meetings to discuss their experience working with bioengineering, and any advice and insight they can offer us.

The time commitment for the SDSU Society of Bioengineers is small, having meetings once a week. During these meeting, we will discuss the future goals of the club, listen to experts discuss their experiences working in the bioengineering field, spreading awareness for our major, and discussing a project for submission to the various biotech competitions that take place. Any other relevant topics will also be discussed at these meetings.

Meeting time and place TBD

Contact Dominick Polese or Harry Ho

at for more information or any questions you may have.